
Ancient DNA reveals new insights into prehistoric Log Coffin culture

The Log Coffin culture emerged during the Iron Age in the highlands of Pang Mapha, northwestern Thailand.

Study reveals new genetics insights into inhabitants of Teōtīhuacān

A new genetic study has used the latest DNA sequencing techniques to reveal the entire mitochondrial genome sequences of the ancient Teōtīhuacāns.

Genetic analysis of baboons provides evidence that ancient Punt and Adulis were the same place

In Ancient Egypt, the hamadryas baboon was one of the animals that represented Thoth, the god of the Moon, wisdom, knowledge, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art and judgment.

New study suggests that prehistoric women were hunters too

According to a study published in Scientific American and the journal American Anthropologist, women were also hunters during the palaeolithic period.

Genome study reveals that Iceman Ötzi had dark skin and male pattern baldness

Ötzi, also known as the Iceman, is a naturally mummified human who lived between 3350 and 3105 BC.

Study establishes connection between the cultural and genetic evolution of early Europeans

A recent DNA study has revealed intricate patterns of intermingling among various groups during the European Stone Age, shedding light on both instances of intermixing and isolation.

Faeces from early toilets indicates dysentery in Kingdom of Judah

A new study of ancient faeces from latrines excavated in Jerusalem has revealed traces of the single-celled microorganism Giardia duodenalis, a common cause of debilitating diarrhoea.

World’s first nomadic empire was multi-ethnic with strong female leadership

A study publishing in the journal Science Advances, has conducted a genetic study on the Xiongnu, the world's first nomadic empire.

Modern-day Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish people have Pictish ancestry

During the Pre-Viking and Early Middle Ages around AD 300-900, the Picts inhabited the area north of the Forth-Clyde isthmus in Britain.

Remains from the crew of the warship Vasa identified as a woman

The investigation of human remains found on the warship Vasa, initially identified the skeleton labelled as "G" as that of a man. However, recent research reveals that the skeleton actually belonged to a woman.

DNA resolves the complex relations between geography, ancestry, and gene flow in Scandinavia

A new study analysing the genomic data of 16,638 present day Scandinavians with 297 ancient Scandinavian genomes has resolved the complex relations between geography, ancestry, and gene flow in Scandinavia – encompassing the Roman Age, the Viking Age, and later periods.

The Anglo-Saxon migration: new insights from genetics

Almost three hundred years after the Romans left, scholars like Bede wrote about the Angles and the Saxons and their migrations to the British Isles.

DNA analysis shows Griffin Warrior ruled his Greek homeland

Using new scientific tools, University of Cincinnati archaeologists discovered that an ancient Greek leader known today as the Griffin Warrior, likely grew up around the coastal city he would one day rule.

Monks were ‘riddled with worms’ during medieval period

A study by the University of Cambridge has found that monks within the Cambridge area were ‘riddled with worms’ during the medieval period.

DNA reveals the founding population of colonial Mexico

Archaeologists have recovered DNA from 10 colonial-era inhabitants of Campeche, Mexico, revealing the diversity of the founding populations of European settlements in the Americas.

Roman Pompeiian genome sequenced

Scientists have successfully sequenced human genome from an individual who died in Pompeii, Italy, after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.

Study sheds light on the mystery of the Avar elite origins

In the AD 560s, the Avars established an empire centred on the Carpathian Basin that lasted more than 200 years. 

Black Death mortality not as widespread as long thought

The Black Death, which plagued Europe, West Asia and North Africa from 1347-1352, is the most infamous pandemic in history.

Bronze Age women altered genetic landscape of Orkney

An international team led by researchers at the University of Huddersfield has used ancient DNA to rewrite the history of the Orkney islands to show that Orkney actually experienced large-scale immigration during the Early Bronze Age, which replaced much of the local population.

Nits on ancient mummies shed light on South American ancestry

Scientists have recovered ancient DNA from the cement left behind on the hairs of mummified remains that date back 1,500-2,000 years.

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