Privacy Policy

Guidelines below are suggested for content supplied by both HD team members and external suppliers commissioned to provide material for the site by editorial staff. HeritageDaily Editorial Guidelines apply to all HeritageDaily content, whoever creates or makes it and wherever and however it is received.

Core editorial values

Our target audiences are at the heart of everything we do HeritageDaily is committed to providing high quality, original and, at times, challenging output HeritageDaily’s content will be produced to the highest editorial and ethical standards HeritageDaily will respect privacy, be fair, avoid unjustifiable offence and to provide appropriate protection for our audiences from harm. HeritageDaily will uphold these editorial values, which apply to all our content, whether it is made for online, television, mobile devices or the printed word

Note: The Human Rights Act 1998 recognises the right to freedom of expression, which includes the audience’s right to receive creative material, information and ideas without interference, subject to restrictions in law. It also recognises the right to private and family life and to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.


HeritageDaily is independent, impartial and honest. HeritageDaily is committed to achieving the highest standards of accuracy and impartiality and strives to avoid knowingly and materially misleading our audiences.


HeritageDaily is committed to achieving accuracy in all our output. HeritageDaily’s output, as appropriate to its subject and nature, will be well sourced, based on sound evidence, thoroughly tested and presented in clear, precise language. HeritageDaily will strive to avoid unfounded speculation.

Editorial integrity and independence

HeritageDaily is independent of outside interests and arrangements that could undermine editorial integrity. Audiences should be confident that editorial decisions are not influenced by outside interests, political or commercial pressures, or any personal interests.


HeritageDaily’s output will be based on fairness, openness and honesty. Contributors and audiences will be treated with respect.


HeritageDaily will respect privacy and will not infringe it. Private behaviour, information, correspondence and conversation will not be brought into the public domain.


HeritageDaily will be transparent about the nature and provenance of content offered online. We will identify who has created it and will use labelling to help online users make informed decisions about the suitability of content for themselves and their children.

Editorial responsibility

Editorial responsibility at HeritageDaily rests with the editorial chain of management from content producer, whether in-house or independent, through to directors.

Editorial principles

The following principles are the standards that all HeritageDaily output must meet, regardless of who makes it or where in the world it is broadcast. (Note that the term ‘broadcast’ is used throughout the Guidelines to refer to the publishing of content by any means and on any platform – including television, radio, online, in print, or any other method of delivery.)

· HeritageDaily strives to be fair to all – fair to those our output is about, fair to contributors, and fair to our audiences. HeritageDaily content should be based on respect and openness

· HeritageDaily will be open, honest, straightforward and fair in dealings with contributors and audiences

· Individuals should be appropriately informed about the planned nature and context of their contributions when they are asked to take part in HeritageDaily content and give their consent.

· When HeritageDaily output contains allegations of wrongdoing, iniquity or incompetence or lays out a strong and damaging critique of an individual or organisation, those criticised should have a right of reply

· HeritageDaily will treat contributors honestly and with respect. A commitment to fairness will be achieved by ensuring that contributors provide ‘informed consent’ before they participate. ‘Informed consent’ means that contributors should be in possession of the knowledge that is necessary for a reasoned decision to take part in our content.

· Before they participate, contributors should be informed concerning why they are being asked to contribute to HeritageDaily content and where it will first appear, the context of the content and the nature of their involvement

· The more significant a contributors contribution, the more detail HeritageDaily should provide. However, HeritageDaily should normally expect to explain the following:

The kind of contribution contributors are expected to make; HeritageDaily should inform contributors in advance about the range of views being represented in any specific content to which they are contributing and, wherever possible, the names of other likely contributors.

Whether the contribution will be live or recorded and/or edited. When recorded, HeritageDaily should not guarantee any specific interview be broadcast.

We can only give a broad outline of question areas because the direction the interview takes will be dependent on what is said. The final content will be a fair and truthful representation of what a contributor has said or done.

HeritageDaily will not normally allow a preview of content. However, when a preview is considered, for editorial, ethical or legal reasons, HeritageDaily will be clear about the terms under which it is offered. This will be done in writing in advance.

HeritageDaily will not surrender editorial. Any changes made will relate to factual inaccuracies or reasonable concerns about the welfare of children, personal safety, or national security.

Heritag Daily will not make any commitment to a contributor that we cannot keep. Third party websites may reproduce our content globally without our knowledge or consent, so no guarantee can be given that a contribution will not be seen in particular countries.

There may be occasions when people are discussed, referred to or appear in material without their knowledge or consent. They may be public figures or private individuals and the material may include photographs, video and correspondence in which they feature. We should be fair and accurate in our portrayal of these people and, where appropriate, respect their legitimate expectations of privacy.

We must be independent from outside interests and arrangements, which could undermine our editorial integrity.