
Rare Sarmatian treasures discovered in burial mound

Archaeologists from the Atyrau Regional Museum of History have unveiled a rare collection of Sarmatian treasures discovered in a burial mound in Kazakhstan’s Kyzylkoginsky district.

Britain’s largest Viking Age building found near Holme St Cuthbert

Archaeologists from Grampus Heritage & Training Limited have uncovered a Viking Age timber building near the village of Holme St Cuthbert, located in the county of Cumbria, England.

Traces of London’s first Roman basilica found beneath office basement

Archaeologists from the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) have discovered traces of London’s first Roman basilica, dating back nearly 2,000-years.

Major discovery of a pre-Roman necropolis in Trento

Archaeologists in Trento, Italy, have discovered a monumental pre-Roman necropolis containing high-status tombs and associated grave goods.

Rare bronze beverage filter discovered in Hadrianopolis

Archaeologists excavating in Hadrianopolis, located in Turkey’s Karabük province, have discovered a 5th century AD bronze object believed to have been used as a beverage filter.

Ornate mosaics featuring aquatic animals found in ancient Herakleia

Archaeologists from Selcuk University have found several mosaics featuring aquatic animals during excavations at Herakleia.

LiDAR study reveals a vast fortified city

A LiDAR study of Guiengola, a 15th-century Zapotec site in southern Oaxaca, Mexico, has revealed a vast fortified city. 

Excavations planned in the ancient city of Sebastopolis

Archaeologists from Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) are embarking on a long-term excavation project to fully uncover the ancient city of Sebastopolis.

Dog sacrifices found near ancient royal palace

Archaeologists have found evidence of dog sacrifices near the Wolseong Palace, a royal palace of Silla in what is now Gyeongju, South Korea.

2,500-year-old caravan tombs discovered in the Negev

Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) have uncovered tombs near Tlalim Junction in the Negev Highlands, revealing trade connections with Yemen, Phoenicia, and Egypt.

Hand axes found in Iraqi desert could date from 1.5 million-years-ago

In late 2024, archaeologists from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) conducted a fieldwork study of the Iraqi Western Desert to assess the potential of preserving archaeological sites with Lower and Middle Palaeolithic artefacts.

Over 1,000 artefacts found during church excavation

Archaeologists from the State Office for Monument Preservation and Archaeology (LDA) of Saxony-Anhalt have found over 1,000 artefacts during excavations of the church of St Mary, located in the town of Gardelegen in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

Roman helmet discovered in Denmark

Excavations at Løsning Søndermark in Denmark have discovered a Roman helmet alongside a substantial cache of weapons.

Painted tomb uncovered in Etruscan necropolis

Archaeologists have announced the discovery of a painted tomb at the Etruscan Necropolises of Monterozzi, located east of Tarquinia in Lazio, Italy.

Pyramidal structure discovered in Chupacigarro

Archaeologists excavating the Chupacigarro archaeological site have discovered a previously unknown pyramidal structure.

Coins depicting “King of the Britons” among hoard discovery in Netherlands

In the autumn of 2023, while conducting a metal detecting survey in the municipality of Bunnik, Gert-Jan Messelaar and Reinier Koelink discovered a significant hoard of Roman-era coins.

Archaeologists uncover traces of the Abbey of St. Savino

A joint Polish and Italian team of archaeologists have uncovered traces of the Abbey of St. Savino, located in the town of Jesi in Italy’s Marche region.

Archaeologists find “lost” residence of King Harold

Archaeologists from Newcastle University and the University of Exeter have uncovered new evidence to suggest that a site in the coastal village of Bosham was a residence of Harold Godwinson, the last Anglo-Saxon King of England.

Archaeologists reveal a rare Roman miniature box lock discovered in North Rhine-Westphalia

The Westphalia-Lippe Regional Association (LWL) has revealed the discovery of a gold and iron Roman-era box lock, unearthed in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Military personnel and veterans uncover Iron Age treasures

Archaeologists from the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), working in collaboration with veterans and military personnel from Operation Nightingale, have uncovered a collection of Iron Age objects declared as national treasure by the Senior Coroner for North Wales.

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