
Cosmic radio burst offers path to weigh the Universe

In an article published in the latest issue of Science, Dr. Stuart Ryder from Macquarie University and Associate Professor Ryan Shannon from Swinburne University of Technology, leading a global team, have unveiled their groundbreaking discovery: the oldest and most distant fast radio burst ever detected, dating back approximately eight billion years.

Telescope reveals images of supermassive black hole at centre of galaxy

Astronomers have revealed images of a supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a telescope array consisting of a global network of radio telescopes.

Confirming the pedigree of uranium cubes from Nazi Germany’s failed nuclear program

During World War II, Nazi Germany and the U.S. were racing to develop nuclear technology. Before Germany could succeed, Allied forces disrupted the program and confiscated some of the cubes of uranium at the heart of it. 

Ancient Kauri Trees Points to a Turning Point in Earth’s History 42,000 Years Ago

The temporary breakdown of Earth's magnetic field 42,000 years ago sparked major climate shifts that led to global environmental change and mass extinctions, a new international study co-led by UNSW Sydney and the South Australian Museum shows.

Primordial Black Holes & Search For Dark Matter From Multiverse

The Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) is home to many interdisciplinary projects which benefit from the synergy of a wide range of expertise available at the institute.

A small step for atoms, a giant leap for microelectronics

Step by step, scientists are figuring out new ways to extend Moore's Law. The latest reveals a path toward integrated circuits with two-dimensional transistors.

Scientists shed light on mystery of dark matter

Scientists have identified a sub-atomic particle that could have formed the "dark matter" in the Universe during the Big Bang.

Scientists one step closer to understanding the mystery of matter in the universe

Scientists at the University of Sussex have measured a property of the neutron - a fundamental particle in the universe - more precisely than ever before.

Merging neutron stars

The option to measure the gravitational waves of two merging neutron stars has offered the chance to answer some of the fundamental questions about the structure of matter.

Our Universe: An expanding bubble in an extra dimension

Uppsala University researchers have devised a new model for the Universe – one that may solve the enigma of dark energy.

Physicists develop new theory to answer fundamental questions about black holes

When stars collapse, they can create black holes, which are everywhere throughout the universe and therefore important to be studied.

Illinois engineers protect artifacts by graphene gilding

Gilding is the process of coating intricate artifacts with precious metals. Ancient Egyptians and Chinese coated their sculptures with thin metal films using gilding--and these golden sculptures have resisted corrosion, wear, and environmental degradation for thousands of years.

Study reveals the Great Pyramid of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy

An international research group applied methods of theoretical physics to investigate the electromagnetic response of the Great Pyramid to radio waves.

Taming the multiverse: Stephen Hawking’s final theory about the big bang

The theory, which was submitted in collaboration with Professor Thomas Hertog from KU Leuven for publication before Hawking’s death earlier this year, is based...

Scientists calculate radiation dose in bone from victim of Hiroshima bombing

The bombing of the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States in 1945 was the first and only use of nuclear weapons against civilian targets.

Underground neutrino experiment sets the stage for deep discovery about matter

If equal amounts of matter and antimatter had formed in the Big Bang more than 13 billion years ago, one would have annihilated the other upon meeting, and today's universe would be full of energy but no matter to form stars, planets and life. Yet matter exists now.

New confirmation of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein predicted that whenever light from a distant star passes by a closer object, gravity acts as a kind of magnifying lens, brightening and bending the distant starlight. Yet, in a 1936 article in the journal Science, he added that because stars are so far apart "there is no hope of observing this phenomenon directly."

‘Ghost particles’ could improve understanding the universe

Trillions of neutrinos, or ghost particles, are passing through us every second. While scientists know this fact, they don't know what role neutrinos play in the universe because they are devilishly hard to measure.

Theory that challenges Einstein’s physics could soon be put to the test

Scientists behind a theory that the speed of light is variable – and not constant as Einstein suggested – have made a prediction that could be tested.

Atomic beltway could solve problems of cosmic gravity

When is a traffic jam not a traffic jam? When it's a quantum traffic jam, of course. Only in quantum physics can traffic be standing still and moving at the same time.

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