Andy Brockman

Andy Brockman[ [email protected] ] is director of Operations Room Archaeology [the Op’s Room] and the Digging Dad’s Army Project and is a specialist in the Archaeology of Modern Conflict. He has a particular interest in community based projects which involve research into archaeology within living memory and supports Operation Nightingale, a British Army initiative to use archaeology to help rehabilitate injured servicemen and women.

The curse of Sekjemka strikes Northampton as Alan Moore condemns £15 million sale of statue

As Christie's sell the statue of Sekhemka for £15.7 million, world famous graphic novelist Alan Moore torpedoes a key Government culture policy, the International Council of Museums condemns Northampton's sale of the statue and Egypt protests.

Two Thousand Year Old Ossuaries Containing Jewish Bones from the Second Temple Period Seized

In a joint operation conducted by the Shefet Police and the Israel Antiquities Authority *** The ossuaries were allegedly plundered recently from an magnificent ancient burial cave in the Jerusalem region

Springtime for Hitler and “Nazi War [Death Porn] Diggers”

UK Production Company ClearStory and National Geographic Channel have been accused of unethical practice and ignoring advice in a new battlefield metal detecting series.


UK Government allows “unlawful” export of “City of Adelaide”

Is English Heritage being turned into a government development agency?

Observers of the politics of culture and heritage are asking why there has been such a muted response to the publication of the new English Heritage “Improvement Plan for Planning Services” when the consequences of the new relationships and priorities set out in the document could be so far reaching.

Margaret Thatcher’s Legacy To Archaeology Undone By Her Heirs

The Government of Margaret Thatcher played a crucial, if unwitting, role in the development of modern UK Archaeology. Yet as former UK Prime Minister is buried in London her Conservative heirs in the governing coalition are busy undoing her Government's system for protecting archaeology and the environment in the planning process. Andy Brockman reflects on this unexpected legacy.