Archaeology Press Release

Researchers find evidence of ceremonial offerings beneath Maya ballcourt

Archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati have found ceremonial offerings beneath a Maya ballcourt in Mexico.

Explore the Cutty Sark in new immersive virtual reality (VR) experience

The Cutty Sark, one of the world’s most famous ships, has been recreated in virtual reality by experts at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) and Smartify.

Study reveals ‘cozy domesticity’ of prehistoric stilt-house dwellers in England’s ancient marshland

A major report on the remains of a stilt village that was engulfed in flames almost 3,000 years ago reveals in unprecedented detail the daily lives of England’s prehistoric fenlanders.  

The British Citizen Award Releases June 2023 People’s Honours List

On Thursday 29th June at the Palace of Westminster, 26 individuals from around the UK will be awarded the prestigious British Citizen Award for their exceptional endeavours which have positively impacted communities up and down the country.

HeritageDaily joins the Climate Heritage Network

The Climate Heritage Network (CHN) announced that 92 additional organisations have joined the Network following approval of their membership applications by the Network’s international Steering Committee.

Archaeologists Reveal Roman Ceremonial Chariot

Archaeologists from the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Torre Annunziata have announced the discovery of an intact Roman Ceremonial Chariot excavated near the Roman city of Pompeii.

Ancient Egyptian Manual Reveals New Details About Mummification

Based on a manual recently discovered in a 3,500-year-old medical papyrus, University of Copenhagen Egyptologist Sofie Schiødt has been able to help reconstruct the embalming process used to prepare ancient Egyptians for the afterlife. It is the oldest surviving manual on mummification yet discovered.

Study Reveals Roman Port at Ancient Altinum

A study by the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice has discovered the remains of a Roman port at the ancient city of Altinum in Italy.

Archaeologists Discover Ornate Roman Domūs in Central Nîmes

Archaeologists conducting excavations in the French city of Nîmes have discovered the remains of two high status Roman domus (houses).

Kangaroo Painting Thought to be 17,300 Years Old

A two-metre-long painting of a kangaroo in Western Australia's Kimberley region has been identified as Australia's oldest intact rock painting.

Viking Treasure Hoard Discovered on Isle of Man

A retired police officer has discovered a 1,000-year-old Viking treasure hoard on the Isle of Man

Archaeologists Excavate Burial Mound Containing Scythian Grave Goods

Archaeologists from the Don State Technical University, and the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Science have excavated a burial mound containing Scythian Grave Goods.

Changing Livestock in Ancient Europe Reflect Political Shifts

In ancient European settlements, livestock use was likely primarily determined by political structure and market demands, according to a study published by Ariadna Nieto-Espinet and colleagues of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Barcelona.

Runes Carved on Rib Reveals Earliest Slav Writing System

Archaeologists conducting excavations at Lány-Břeclav in the Czech Republic, have discovered an inscribed animal rib carved with Germanic runes, that represents the earliest known Slav writing system.

Disease Epidemic Possibly Caused Population Collapse in Central Africa 1600-1400 Years Ago

A new study published in the journal Science Advances shows that Bantu-speaking communities in the Congo rainforest underwent a major population collapse from 1600 to 1400 years ago, probably due to a prolonged disease epidemic, and that significant resettlement did not restart until around 1000 years ago.

Archaeologists Suggest Early Stonehenge was a Rebuilt Stone Circle from Wales

Archaeologists conducting excavations in the Preseli Hills in Wales have discovered the remains of a stone circle, that may have been dismantled and used in the early phase of bluestone construction at Stonehenge.

Earliest Known Conch Shell Horn Plays its Tune for the First Time in 17,000 Years

For the first time in more than 17,000 years, three mellifluous musical notes - close in tone to C, D, and C sharp - have reverberated from a conch shell modified to serve as a wind instrument.

Ancient Amazonian Farmers Fortified Valuable Fertile Land

Ancient Amazonian communities fortified valuable land they had spent years making fertile to protect it from conflict, excavations show.

Archaeologists Discover Evidence of Iron Age Inhabitation on Remote Island of St Kilda

Newly published research reveals how GUARD Archaeologists have discovered evidence of Iron Age inhabitation on St Kilda from over two thousand years ago.

Human Eye Beats Machine in Archaeological Colour Identification Test

A ruler and scale can tell archaeologists the size and weight of a fragment of pottery - but identifying its precise colour can depend on individual perception. So, when a handheld colour-matching gadget came on the market, scientists hoped it offered a consistent way of determining colour, free of human bias.

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