
Study suggests human occupation in Patagonia prior to the Younger Dryas period

Archaeologists have conducted a study of lithic material from the Pilauco and Los Notros sites in north-western Patagonia, revealing evidence of human occupation in the region prior to the Younger Dryas period.

Study suggests that first humans came to Europe 1.4 million years ago

A new study led by the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Institute of Archaeology of the CAS suggests that human occupation of Europe first took place 1.4 million years ago.

Early humans hunted beavers 400,000-years-ago

Researchers suggests that early humans were hunting, skinning, and eating beavers around 400,000-years-ago.

First modern humans in Europe are associated with the Gravettian culture

A study conducted by CNRS has determined who the first modern humans to settle in Europe were.

Archaeologists find 476,000-year-old wooden structure

Archaeologists from the University of Liverpool and Aberystwyth University have discovered a wooden structure dating from at least 476,000-years-ago, the earliest known example to date.

Did Lucy walk, climb, or both?

Australopithecine ancestors -- arboreal versus terrestrial habitat and locomotion

Tracing humanity’s African ancestry may mean rewriting ‘out of Africa’ dates

UAlberta archeologist's new research may lead to rethinking how and when our ancestors left Africa to colonize the globe

Monkey business: What howler monkeys can tell us about the role of interbreeding in human evolution

Recent genetic studies suggest that Neanderthals may have bred with anatomically modern humans tens of thousands of years ago in the Middle East, contributing to the modern human gene pool. But the findings are not universally accepted, and the fossil record has not helped to clarify the role of interbreeding, which is also known as hybridization.

Africa’s Homo sapiens were the first techies

The search for the origin of modern human behaviour and technological advancement among our ancestors in southern Africa some 70 000 years ago, has taken a step closer to firmly establishing Africa, and especially South Africa, as the primary centre for the early development of human behaviour.

UMass Amherst Researchers Use Biomarkers from Prehistoric Human Feces to Track Settlement and Agriculture

For researchers who study Earth’s past environment, disentangling the effects of climate change from those related to human activities is a major challenge, but now University of Massachusetts Amherst geoscientists have used a biomarker from human feces in a completely new way to establish the first human presence, the arrival of grazing animals and human population dynamics in a landscape.

Global Implications for Homo Floresiensis

Excavations at Liang Bua Cave exhibit skeletal evidence of a new species named Homo floresiensis; grounded the mosaic of primitive and derived features.

York research centre investigates the origins of humans

The University of York and the Hull Medical school has launched a new research centre to investigate the origin of our species.

Part I: Evolution of Structural Distinctiveness

The development of behavioural complexity and intricate judgment were once only thought to be characteristics possessed by modern humans.

Fossil discovery could be our oldest human ancestor

The discovery at Malapa caves in South Africa of the palaeoanthropological remains of Australopithecus sediba - now under further study for dating the earliest human fossils.

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